脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/2/24 浏览次数:1
def cosVector(x,y): if(len(x)!=len(y)): print('error input,x and y is not in the same space') return; result1=0.0; result2=0.0; result3=0.0; for i in range(len(x)): result1+=x[i]*y[i] #sum(X*Y) result2+=x[i]**2 #sum(X*X) result3+=y[i]**2 #sum(Y*Y) #print(result1) #print(result2) #print(result3) print("result is "+str(result1/((result2*result3)**0.5))) #结果显示 cosVector([2,1],[1,1])
#求余弦函数 def cosVector(x,y): if(len(x)!=len(y)): print('error input,x and y is not in the same space') return; result1=0.0; result2=0.0; result3=0.0; for i in range(len(x)): result1+=x[i]*y[i] #sum(X*Y) result2+=x[i]**2 #sum(X*X) result3+=y[i]**2 #sum(Y*Y) #print("result is "+str(result1/((result2*result3)**0.5))) #结果显示 return result1/((result2*result3)**0.5) #print("result is ",cosVector([2,1],[1,1])) #计算query_output(60,20)和db_output(60,20)的余弦值,用60*1的向量存储 cosResult= [[0]*1 for i in range(60)] for i in range(60): cosResult[i][0]=cosVector(query_output[i], db_output[i]) print(cosResult) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #计算query_output和db_output的余弦值,用60*1的向量存储 rows=query_output.shape[0] #行数 cols=query_output.shape[1] #列数 cosResult= [[0]*1 for i in range(rows)] for i in range(rows): cosResult[i][0]=cosVector(query_output[i], db_output[i]) #print(cosResult) #将结果存入文件中,并且一行一个数字 file=open('cosResult.txt','w') for i in cosResult: file.write(str(i).replace('[','').replace(']','')+'\n') #\r\n为换行符 file.close()
def cos(vector1,vector2): dot_product = 0.0 normA = 0.0 normB = 0.0 for a,b in zip(vector1,vector2): dot_product += a*b normA += a**2 normB += b**2 if normA == 0.0 or normB==0.0: return None else: return 0.5 + 0.5 * dot_product / ((normA*normB)**0.5) #归一化 <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">从[-1,1]到[0,1]</span>
num = float(A.T * B) #若为行向量则 A * B.T denom = linalg.norm(A) * linalg.norm(B) cos = num / denom #余弦值 sim = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos #归一化 从[-1,1]到[0,1]