脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/2/24 浏览次数:1
re.sub用于替换字符串中的匹配项。下面一个例子将字符串中的空格 ' ' 替换成 '-' :
import re text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." print re.sub(r'/s+', '-', text)
import re text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." print re.sub(r'/s+', '-', text)
re.sub的函数原型为:re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count)
re.sub还允许使用函数对匹配项的替换进行复杂的处理。如:re.sub(r'/s', lambda m: '[' + m.group(0) + ']', text, 0);将字符串中的空格' '替换为'[ ]'。
import re text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." regex = re.compile(r'/w*oo/w*') print regex.findall(text) #查找所有包含'oo'的单词 print regex.sub(lambda m: '[' + m.group(0) + ']', text) #将字符串中含有'oo'的单词用[]括起来。
import re text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." regex = re.compile(r'/w*oo/w*') print regex.findall(text) #查找所有包含'oo'的单词 print regex.sub(lambda m: '[' + m.group(0) + ']', text) #将字符串中含有'oo'的单词用[]括起来。