脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/3/4 浏览次数:1
class Player(object): auto_mode=False # 是否是自动模式,自动模式应当不响应键盘操作 def __init__(self): pass def run(self): # 进行操作 pass
class HumanPlayer(Player): def __init__(self): super(Player, self).__init__() class AIPlayer(Player): auto_mode=True def __init__(self): super(Player, self).__init__() def run(self): pass
class AIPlayer(Player): cal_block_id=-1 # 用于判断是否方块发生了变化 ctl_arr=[] # 存:1=变、2=左、3=右、4=下,这些数 auto_mode=True def __init__(self): super(Player, self).__init__() def run(self, panel): if panel.block_id == self.cal_block_id: # block_id没变,按原来计算好的操作规则进行 if len(ctl_arr)>0: ctl = self.ctl_arr.pop(0) if ctl == 1: panel.change_block() if ctl == 2: panel.control_block(-1,0) if ctl == 3: panel.control_block(1,0) if ctl == 4: flag = panel.move_block() while flag==1: flag = panel.move_block() if flag == 9: game_state = 2 else: # block_id变了,计算新方块的操作规则 self.cal_block_id = panel.block_id matrix = panel.get_rect_matrix() #matrix.print_matrix() # print for debug # # 添加计算操作的逻辑 # pass
class Matrix(object): rows = 0 cols = 0 data = [] def __init__(self, rows, cols): self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.data = [0 for i in range(rows*cols)] def set_val(self, x, y, val): self.data[y*self.cols+x] = val def get_val(self, x, y): return self.data[y*cols+x] def print_matrix(self): for i in range(self.rows): print self.data[self.cols*i:self.cols*(i+1)]
def get_rect_matrix(self): matrix = Matrix(ROW_COUNT, COL_COUNT) for rect_info in self.rect_arr: matrix.set_val(rect_info.x, rect_info.y, 1) return matrix
class TBlock(Block): # 四种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=4 def __init__(self, n=None): super(TBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,3) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(255,0,0) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id if sid==0: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,2)] elif sid==1: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(0,1)] elif sid==2: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,0)] else: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)]
def cal_best_arr(self, panel): matrix = panel.get_rect_matrix() #matrix.print_matrix() # print for debug cur_shape_id = panel.moving_block.shape_id shape_num = panel.moving_block.shape_num max_score = 0 best_arr = [] for i in range(shape_num): tmp_shape_id = cur_shape_id + i if tmp_shape_id >= shape_num: tmp_shape_id = tmp_shape_id % shape_num tmp_shape = panel.moving_block.get_shape(sid=tmp_shape_id) center_shape = [] for x,y in tmp_shape: center_shape.append((x+COL_COUNT/2-2,y-2)) minx = COL_COUNT maxx = 0 miny = ROW_COUNT maxy = -2 for x,y in center_shape: if x<minx: minx = x if x>maxx: maxx = x if y<miny: miny = y if y>maxy: maxy = y for xdiff in range(-minx,COL_COUNT-maxx): # 左右可以移动的范围 arr = [1 for _ in range(i)] if xdiff < 0: [arr.append(2) for _ in range(-xdiff)] if xdiff > 0: [arr.append(3) for _ in range(xdiff)] arr.append(4) for yindex in range(-miny, ROW_COUNT-maxy): # 往下检测碰撞 if matrix.cross_block(center_shape, xdiff=xdiff, ydiff=yindex): break score = sum([y+yindex for x,y in center_shape]) #print i,xdiff,yindex,score if score > max_score: max_score = score best_arr = arr self.ctl_arr = best_arr
def get_hole_number(self): hole_num=0 for x in range(0,self.cols): for y in range(1,self.rows): if self.get_val(x,y) == 0 and self.get_val(x,y-1) == 1: # 上方有方块的当成空洞 #print x,y hole_num+=1 return hole_num
def cal_best_arr(self, panel): matrix = panel.get_rect_matrix() cur_shape_id = panel.moving_block.shape_id shape_num = panel.moving_block.shape_num max_score = -10000 best_arr = [] for i in range(shape_num): tmp_shape_id = cur_shape_id + i if tmp_shape_id >= shape_num: tmp_shape_id = tmp_shape_id % shape_num tmp_shape = panel.moving_block.get_shape(sid=tmp_shape_id) center_shape = [] for x,y in tmp_shape: center_shape.append((x+COL_COUNT/2-2,y-2)) minx = COL_COUNT maxx = 0 miny = ROW_COUNT maxy = -2 for x,y in center_shape: if x<minx: minx = x if x>maxx: maxx = x if y<miny: miny = y if y>maxy: maxy = y for xdiff in range(-minx,COL_COUNT-maxx): # 左右可以移动的范围 arr = [1 for _ in range(i)] if xdiff < 0: [arr.append(2) for _ in range(-xdiff)] if xdiff > 0: [arr.append(3) for _ in range(xdiff)] max_yindex = -miny for yindex in range(-miny, ROW_COUNT-maxy): # 往下检测碰撞 if matrix.cross_block(center_shape, xdiff=xdiff, ydiff=yindex): break max_yindex = yindex score = sum([y+max_yindex for x,y in center_shape]) # 克隆矩阵并且将方块落下,便于计算落下后的空洞数 clone_matrix = matrix.clone() clone_matrix.fill_block(center_shape, xdiff=xdiff, ydiff=max_yindex) score -= clone_matrix.get_hole_number() * COL_COUNT if score > max_score: max_score = score best_arr = arr self.ctl_arr = best_arr+[4]
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import random import pygame from pygame.locals import KEYDOWN,K_LEFT,K_RIGHT,K_UP,K_DOWN,K_SPACE import pickle,os ROW_COUNT=20 COL_COUNT=10 SCORE_MAP=(100,300,800,1600) class Matrix(object): rows = 0 cols = 0 data = [] def __init__(self, rows, cols, data=None): self.rows = rows self.cols = cols if data is None: data = [0 for i in range(rows*cols)] self.data = data def set_val(self, x, y, val): self.data[y*self.cols+x] = val def get_val(self, x, y): return self.data[y*self.cols+x] def cross_block(self, rect_arr, xdiff=0, ydiff=0): for x,y in rect_arr: #if x+xdiff>=0 and x+xdiff<self.cols and y+ydiff>=0 and y+ydiff<self.rows: if self.get_val(x+xdiff,y+ydiff) == 1: return True return False def get_hole_number(self): hole_num=0 for x in range(0,self.cols): for y in range(1,self.rows): if self.get_val(x,y) == 0 and self.get_val(x,y-1) == 1: # 上方有方块的当成空洞 #print x,y hole_num+=1 return hole_num def clone(self): clone_matrix=Matrix(self.rows, self.cols, list(self.data)) return clone_matrix def fill_block(self, rect_arr, xdiff=0, ydiff=0): for x,y in rect_arr: self.set_val(x+xdiff,y+ydiff, 1) def print_matrix(self): for i in range(self.rows): print self.data[self.cols*i:self.cols*(i+1)] class Player(object): auto_mode=False # 是否是自动模式,自动模式应当不响应键盘操作 def __init__(self): pass def run(self, panel): # 进行操作 pass class HumanPlayer(Player): def __init__(self): super(Player, self).__init__() class AIPlayer(Player): cal_block_id=-1 # 用于判断是否方块发生了变化 ctl_arr=[] # 存:1=变、2=左、3=右、4=下,这些数 auto_mode=True ai_diff_ticks = 1 # 移动一次的时间,单位毫秒 def __init__(self): super(Player, self).__init__() self.ctl_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() + self.ai_diff_ticks def cal_best_arr(self, panel): matrix = panel.get_rect_matrix() cur_shape_id = panel.moving_block.shape_id shape_num = panel.moving_block.shape_num max_score = -10000 best_arr = [] for i in range(shape_num): tmp_shape_id = cur_shape_id + i if tmp_shape_id >= shape_num: tmp_shape_id = tmp_shape_id % shape_num tmp_shape = panel.moving_block.get_shape(sid=tmp_shape_id) center_shape = [] for x,y in tmp_shape: center_shape.append((x+COL_COUNT/2-2,y-2)) minx = COL_COUNT maxx = 0 miny = ROW_COUNT maxy = -2 for x,y in center_shape: if x<minx: minx = x if x>maxx: maxx = x if y<miny: miny = y if y>maxy: maxy = y for xdiff in range(-minx,COL_COUNT-maxx): # 左右可以移动的范围 arr = [1 for _ in range(i)] if xdiff < 0: [arr.append(2) for _ in range(-xdiff)] if xdiff > 0: [arr.append(3) for _ in range(xdiff)] max_yindex = -miny for yindex in range(-miny, ROW_COUNT-maxy): # 往下检测碰撞 if matrix.cross_block(center_shape, xdiff=xdiff, ydiff=yindex): break max_yindex = yindex score = sum([y+max_yindex for x,y in center_shape]) # 克隆矩阵并且将方块落下,便于计算落下后的空洞数 clone_matrix = matrix.clone() clone_matrix.fill_block(center_shape, xdiff=xdiff, ydiff=max_yindex) score -= clone_matrix.get_hole_number() * COL_COUNT if score > max_score: max_score = score best_arr = arr self.ctl_arr = best_arr+[4] def run(self, panel): if pygame.time.get_ticks() < self.ctl_ticks: return self.ctl_ticks += self.ai_diff_ticks if panel.block_id == self.cal_block_id: # block_id没变,按原来计算好的操作规则进行 if len(self.ctl_arr)>0: ctl = self.ctl_arr.pop(0) if ctl == 1: panel.change_block() if ctl == 2: panel.control_block(-1,0) if ctl == 3: panel.control_block(1,0) if ctl == 4: flag = panel.move_block() while flag==1: flag = panel.move_block() else: # block_id变了,计算新方块的操作规则 self.cal_block_id = panel.block_id self.cal_best_arr(panel) class RectInfo(object): def __init__(self, x, y, color): self.x = x self.y = y self.color = color class HintBox(object): next_block=None def __init__(self, bg, block_size, position): self._bg=bg; self._x,self._y,self._width,self._height=position self._block_size=block_size self._bgcolor=[0,0,0] def take_block(self): block = self.next_block if block is None: # 如果还没有方块,先产生一个 block = create_block() self.next_block = create_block() # 产生下一个方块 return block def paint(self): mid_x=self._x+self._width/2 pygame.draw.line(self._bg,self._bgcolor,[mid_x,self._y],[mid_x,self._y+self._height],self._width) bz=self._block_size # 绘制正在落下的方块 if self.next_block: arr = self.next_block.get_rect_arr() minx,miny=arr[0] maxx,maxy=arr[0] for x,y in arr: if x<minx: minx=x if x>maxx: maxx=x if y<miny: miny=y if y>maxy: maxy=y w=(maxx-minx)*bz h=(maxy-miny)*bz # 计算使方块绘制在提示窗中心位置所需要的偏移像素 cx=self._width/2-w/2-minx*bz-bz/2 cy=self._height/2-h/2-miny*bz-bz/2 for rect in arr: x,y=rect pygame.draw.line(self._bg,self.next_block.color,[self._x+x*bz+cx+bz/2,self._y+cy+y*bz],[self._x+x*bz+cx+bz/2,self._y+cy+(y+1)*bz],bz) pygame.draw.rect(self._bg,[255,255,255],[self._x+x*bz+cx,self._y+y*bz+cy,bz+1,bz+1],1) class ScoreBox(object): total_score = 0 high_score = 0 db_file = 'tetris.db' def __init__(self, bg, block_size, position): self._bg=bg; self._x,self._y,self._width,self._height=position self._block_size=block_size self._bgcolor=[0,0,0] if os.path.exists(self.db_file): self.high_score = pickle.load(open(self.db_file,'rb')) def paint(self): myfont = pygame.font.Font(None,36) white = 255,255,255 textImage = myfont.render('High: %06d'%(self.high_score), True, white) self._bg.blit(textImage, (self._x,self._y)) textImage = myfont.render('Score:%06d'%(self.total_score), True, white) self._bg.blit(textImage, (self._x,self._y+40)) def add_score(self, score): self.total_score += score if self.total_score > self.high_score: self.high_score=self.total_score pickle.dump(self.high_score, open(self.db_file,'wb+')) class Panel(object): # 用于绘制整个游戏窗口的版面 block_id=0 #rect_arr=[RectInfo(4,19,[0,0,255]),RectInfo(6,19,[0,0,255])] # 已经落底下的方块 rect_arr=[] # 已经落底下的方块 moving_block=None # 正在落下的方块 hint_box=None score_box=None def __init__(self,bg, block_size, position): self._bg=bg; self._x,self._y,self._width,self._height=position self._block_size=block_size self._bgcolor=[0,0,0] def get_rect_matrix(self): matrix = Matrix(ROW_COUNT, COL_COUNT) for rect_info in self.rect_arr: matrix.set_val(rect_info.x, rect_info.y, 1) return matrix def add_block(self,block): for x,y in block.get_rect_arr(): self.rect_arr.append(RectInfo(x,y, block.color)) def create_move_block(self): self.block_id+=1 block = self.hint_box.take_block() #block = create_block() block.move(COL_COUNT/2-2,-2) # 方块挪到中间 self.moving_block=block def check_overlap(self, diffx, diffy, check_arr=None): if check_arr is None: check_arr = self.moving_block.get_rect_arr() for x,y in check_arr: for rect_info in self.rect_arr: if x+diffx==rect_info.x and y+diffy==rect_info.y: return True return False def control_block(self, diffx, diffy): if self.moving_block.can_move(diffx,diffy) and not self.check_overlap(diffx, diffy): self.moving_block.move(diffx,diffy) def change_block(self): if self.moving_block: new_arr = self.moving_block.change() if new_arr and not self.check_overlap(0, 0, check_arr=new_arr): # 变形不能造成方块重叠 self.moving_block.rect_arr=new_arr def move_block(self): if self.moving_block is None: create_move_block() if self.moving_block.can_move(0,1) and not self.check_overlap(0,1): self.moving_block.move(0,1) return 1 else: self.add_block(self.moving_block) self.check_clear() for rect_info in self.rect_arr: if rect_info.y<0: return 9 # 游戏失败 self.create_move_block() return 2 def check_clear(self): tmp_arr = [[] for i in range(20)] # 先将方块按行存入数组 for rect_info in self.rect_arr: if rect_info.y<0: return tmp_arr[rect_info.y].append(rect_info) clear_num=0 clear_lines=set([]) y_clear_diff_arr=[[] for i in range(20)] # 从下往上计算可以消除的行,并记录消除行后其他行的向下偏移数量 for y in range(19,-1,-1): if len(tmp_arr[y])==10: clear_lines.add(y) clear_num += 1 y_clear_diff_arr[y] = clear_num if clear_num>0: new_arr=[] # 跳过移除行,并将其他行做偏移 for y in range(19,-1,-1): if y in clear_lines: continue tmp_row = tmp_arr[y] y_clear_diff=y_clear_diff_arr[y] for rect_info in tmp_row: #new_arr.append([x,y+y_clear_diff]) new_arr.append(RectInfo(rect_info.x, rect_info.y+y_clear_diff, rect_info.color)) self.rect_arr = new_arr score = SCORE_MAP[clear_num-1] self.score_box.add_score(score) def paint(self): mid_x=self._x+self._width/2 pygame.draw.line(self._bg,self._bgcolor,[mid_x,self._y],[mid_x,self._y+self._height],self._width) # 用一个粗线段来填充背景 # 绘制已经落底下的方块 bz=self._block_size for rect_info in self.rect_arr: x=rect_info.x y=rect_info.y pygame.draw.line(self._bg,rect_info.color,[self._x+x*bz+bz/2,self._y+y*bz],[self._x+x*bz+bz/2,self._y+(y+1)*bz],bz) pygame.draw.rect(self._bg,[255,255,255],[self._x+x*bz,self._y+y*bz,bz+1,bz+1],1) # 绘制正在落下的方块 if self.move_block: for rect in self.moving_block.get_rect_arr(): x,y=rect pygame.draw.line(self._bg,self.moving_block.color,[self._x+x*bz+bz/2,self._y+y*bz],[self._x+x*bz+bz/2,self._y+(y+1)*bz],bz) pygame.draw.rect(self._bg,[255,255,255],[self._x+x*bz,self._y+y*bz,bz+1,bz+1],1) class Block(object): sx=0 sy=0 def __init__(self): self.rect_arr=[] def get_rect_arr(self): # 用于获取方块种的四个矩形列表 return self.rect_arr def move(self,xdiff,ydiff): # 用于移动方块的方法 self.sx+=xdiff self.sy+=ydiff self.new_rect_arr=[] for x,y in self.rect_arr: self.new_rect_arr.append((x+xdiff,y+ydiff)) self.rect_arr=self.new_rect_arr def can_move(self,xdiff,ydiff): for x,y in self.rect_arr: if y+ydiff>=20: return False if x+xdiff<0 or x+xdiff>=10: return False return True def change(self): self.shape_id+=1 # 下一形态 if self.shape_id >= self.shape_num: self.shape_id=0 arr = self.get_shape() new_arr = [] for x,y in arr: if x+self.sx<0 or x+self.sx>=10: # 变形不能超出左右边界 self.shape_id -= 1 if self.shape_id < 0: self.shape_id = self.shape_num - 1 return None new_arr.append([x+self.sx,y+self.sy]) return new_arr class LongBlock(Block): shape_id=0 shape_num=2 def __init__(self, n=None): # 两种形态 super(LongBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,1) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(50,180,50) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3)] if sid==0 else [(0,2),(1,2),(2,2),(3,2)] class SquareBlock(Block): # 一种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=1 def __init__(self, n=None): super(SquareBlock, self).__init__() self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(0,0,255) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id return [(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)] class ZBlock(Block): # 两种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=2 def __init__(self, n=None): super(ZBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,1) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(30,200,200) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id return [(2,0),(2,1),(1,1),(1,2)] if sid==0 else [(0,1),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)] class SBlock(Block): # 两种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=2 def __init__(self, n=None): super(SBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,1) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(255,30,255) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id return [(1,0),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)] if sid==0 else [(0,2),(1,2),(1,1),(2,1)] class LBlock(Block): # 四种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=4 def __init__(self, n=None): super(LBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,3) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(200,200,30) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id if sid==0: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)] elif sid==1: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(0,2)] elif sid==2: return [(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)] else: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(2,0)] class JBlock(Block): # 四种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=4 def __init__(self, n=None): super(JBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,3) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(200,100,0) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id if sid==0: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(0,2)] elif sid==1: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(0,0)] elif sid==2: return [(2,0),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)] else: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)] class TBlock(Block): # 四种形态 shape_id=0 shape_num=4 def __init__(self, n=None): super(TBlock, self).__init__() if n is None: n=random.randint(0,3) self.shape_id=n self.rect_arr=self.get_shape() self.color=(255,0,0) def get_shape(self, sid=None): if sid is None: sid = self.shape_id if sid==0: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,2)] elif sid==1: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(0,1)] elif sid==2: return [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,0)] else: return [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)] def create_block(): n = random.randint(0,18) if n==0: return SquareBlock(n=0) elif n==1 or n==2: return LongBlock(n=n-1) elif n==3 or n==4: return ZBlock(n=n-3) elif n==5 or n==6: return SBlock(n=n-5) elif n>=7 and n<=10: return LBlock(n=n-7) elif n>=11 and n<=14: return JBlock(n=n-11) else: return TBlock(n=n-15) def run(): pygame.init() space=30 main_block_size=30 main_panel_width=main_block_size*COL_COUNT main_panel_height=main_block_size*ROW_COUNT screencaption = pygame.display.set_caption('Tetris') screen = pygame.display.set_mode((main_panel_width+160+space*3,main_panel_height+space*2)) #设置窗口长宽 main_panel=Panel(screen,main_block_size,[space,space,main_panel_width,main_panel_height]) hint_box=HintBox(screen,main_block_size,[main_panel_width+space+space,space,160,160]) score_box=ScoreBox(screen,main_block_size,[main_panel_width+space+space,160+space*2,160,160]) main_panel.hint_box=hint_box main_panel.score_box=score_box pygame.key.set_repeat(200, 30) main_panel.create_move_block() diff_ticks = 300 # 移动一次蛇头的事件,单位毫秒 ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() + diff_ticks player = AIPlayer() pause=0 game_state = 1 # 游戏状态1.表示正常 2.表示失败 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key==97: pause=1-pause # 按键盘a支持暂停 if event.key==112: # for debug # 按键盘p打印矩阵信息 main_panel.get_rect_matrix().print_matrix() if player.auto_mode:continue if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_LEFT: main_panel.control_block(-1,0) if event.key == K_RIGHT: main_panel.control_block(1,0) if event.key == K_UP: main_panel.change_block() if event.key == K_DOWN: main_panel.control_block(0,1) if event.key == K_SPACE: flag = main_panel.move_block() while flag==1: flag = main_panel.move_block() if flag == 9: game_state = 2 screen.fill((100,100,100)) # 将界面设置为灰色 main_panel.paint() # 主面盘绘制 hint_box.paint() # 绘制下一个方块的提示窗 score_box.paint() # 绘制总分 if game_state == 2: myfont = pygame.font.Font(None,30) white = 255,255,255 textImage = myfont.render("Game over", True, white) screen.blit(textImage, (160,190)) pygame.display.update() # 必须调用update才能看到绘图显示 if pause==1: continue if game_state == 1: player.run(main_panel) if game_state == 1 and pygame.time.get_ticks() >= ticks: ticks+=diff_ticks if main_panel.move_block()==9: game_state = 2 # 游戏结束 run()