脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/3/4 浏览次数:1
1、admin.py 定义管理员信息和主界面显示
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:UTF-8 """ @version: python3.x @author:曹新健 @contact: 617349013@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: admin.py @time: 2018/9/11 10:14 """ import time class Admin(): def __init__(self,name,passwd): self.name = name self.__passwd = passwd self.__status = False def adminView(self): for i in range(4): print("".center(60,"*")) s1 = "欢迎光临曹氏银行" print(s1.center(60-len(s1),"*")) for i in range(4): print("".center(60,"*")) if self.__status: print("管理员被锁定,请联系大神曹新健") return -1 name = input("请输入管理员用户名:") if name != self.name: print("用户名输入错误") return -1 if self.checkAdminPasswd() != 0: return -1 return 0 def adminAction(self): print("""************************************************************ ***************开户(1)****************销户(2)*************** ***************查询(3)****************转账(4)*************** ***************取款(5)****************存款(6)*************** ***************锁定(7)****************解锁(8)*************** ***************改密(9)****************补卡(0)*************** ************************退出 系统(q)************************ ************************************************************ """) def checkAdminPasswd(self): n = 0 while n <= 3: if n == 3: self.status = True print("输入超过3次,管理员被锁定,请联系大神曹新健") return -1 passwd = input("请输入密码:") if passwd != self.__passwd: print("密码输入错误,请重新输入") n += 1 else: print("密码验证成功,请稍后") time.sleep(2) return 0 @property def passwd(self): return self.__passwd @passwd.setter def passwd(self,password): self.__passwd = password @property def status(self): return self.__status @status.setter def status(self, st): self.__status = st if __name__ == "__main__": admin = Admin("cxj","1") while True: admin.adminView()
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:UTF-8 """ @version: python3.x @author:曹新健 @contact: 617349013@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: card.py @time: 2018/9/11 15:02 """ import random class Card(): def __init__(self,id,balance): self.__id = id self.__balance = balance self.status = False @property def id(self): return self.__id @id.setter def id(self,id): self.__id = id @property def balance(self): return self.__balance @balance.setter def balance(self,balance): self.__balance = balance if __name__ == "__main__": card = Card(1000) print(card.id) print(card.balance)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:UTF-8 """ @version: python3.x @author:曹新健 @contact: 617349013@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: user.py @time: 2018/9/11 14:54 """ class User(): def __init__(self,name,idCard,phone,passwd,card): self.__name = name self.__idCard = idCard self.phone = phone self.__passwd = passwd self.card = card @property def name(self): return self.__name @name.setter def name(self,name): self.__name = name @property def idCard(self): return self.__idCard @idCard.setter def idCard(self, idCard): self.__idCard = idCard @property def passwd(self): return self.__passwd @passwd.setter def passwd(self, passwd): if self.__passwd == passwd: raise UsersException("新密码跟旧密码一样") else: self.__passwd = passwd class UsersException(Exception): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:UTF-8 """ @version: python3.x @author:曹新健 @contact: 617349013@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: functions.py @time: 2018/9/11 11:01 """ import pickle,os,random from admin import Admin from card import Card from user import User,UsersException pathAdmin = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "admin.txt") pathUser = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "users.txt") def rpickle(path): if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path,"w") as temp: pass with open(path,'rb') as f: try: info = pickle.load(f) except EOFError as e: info = "" return info def wpickle(objname,path): if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path,"w") as temp: pass with open(path,'wb') as f: pickle.dump(objname,f) def adminInit(): # print(pathAdmin) adminInfo = rpickle(pathAdmin) if adminInfo: admin = adminInfo # print(admin.status) else: admin = Admin("cxj", "1") return admin def adminClose(admin): wpickle(admin, pathAdmin) def randomId(users): while True: str1 = "" for i in range(6): ch = str((random.randrange(0, 10))) str1 += ch if not users.get(str1,""): return str1 def openAccount(users): name = input("请输入您的姓名:") idCard = input("请输入您的身份证号:") phone = input("请输入您的电话号码:") passwd = input("请输入账号密码:") balance = int(input("请输入您的金额:")) id = randomId(users) card = Card(id,balance) user = User(name,idCard,phone,passwd,card) users[id] = user print("请牢记您的银行卡号%s" %(id)) def userInit(): userInfo = rpickle(pathUser) if userInfo: users = userInfo else: users = {} return users def userClose(users): wpickle(users, pathUser) def getUser(users): id = input("请输入您的银行卡号:") if not users.get(id, ""): print("您输入的卡号不存在") user = None else: user = users.get(id) return user def transferUser(users): id = input("请输入转账(对方)的银行卡号:") if not users.get(id, ""): print("您输入的卡号不存在") user = None else: user = users.get(id) return user def changeMoney(user,res): money = int(input("请输入交易金额:")) if money <= 0: print("输入金额有误") return 0 if res: if money > user.card.balance: print("余额不足") return 0 return money def serchAccount(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: print("您的账户名称为%s,您的余额为%s" % (user.name, user.card.balance)) def transferAccount(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: transUser = transferUser(users) if not transUser: return -1 money = changeMoney(user,1) if not money: return -1 user.card.balance -= money transUser.card.balance += money print("交易成功") def withdrawal(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: money = changeMoney(user,1) if not money: return -1 user.card.balance -= money print("交易成功") def deposit(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: money = changeMoney(user,0) if not money: return -1 user.card.balance += money print("交易成功") def delAccount(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: users.pop(user.card.id) print("账户删除成功") return 0 def lockAccount(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 checkUserPasswdLock(user) def unlockAccount(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if not user.card.status: print("账户不需要解锁") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: user.card.status = False print("账户解锁成功!") def changePasswd(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: newPasswd = input("请输入新密码:") try: user.passwd = newPasswd except UsersException as e: print(e) else: print("密码修改成功!") def makeNewCard(users): user = getUser(users) if not user: return -1 if user.card.status: print("账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 res = checkUserPasswd(user) if not res: id = randomId(users) userinfo = users[user.card.id] users.pop(user.card.id) users[id] = userinfo users[id].card.id = id print("补卡成功,请牢记您的银行卡号%s" % (id)) def checkUserPasswd(user): n = 0 while n <= 3: if n == 3: user.card.status = True print("输入超过3次,账户被锁定,请解锁后再使用其他功能") return -1 passwd = input("请输入您的账户密码:") if passwd != user.passwd: print("密码输入错误,请重新输入") n += 1 else: return 0 def checkUserPasswdLock(user): n = 0 while n <= 3: if n == 3: print("输入超过3次,账户锁定失败!") return -1 passwd = input("请输入您的账户密码:") if passwd != user.passwd: print("密码输入错误,请重新输入") n += 1 else: user.card.status = True print("账户锁定成功!") return 0
5、bankManage.py 主程序
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:UTF-8 """ @version: python3.x @author:曹新健 @contact: 617349013@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: bankManage.py @time: 2018/9/11 9:57 """ ''' 管理员类: 名称:Admin 属性:name、passwd 方法:显示管理员欢迎界面、显示功能界面 银行卡: 名称:Card 属性:id,balance 方法:生成卡号 取款机: 名称:ATM 属性: 方法:开户、查询、取款、转账、存款、改密、锁定、解锁、补卡、销户 用户: 名称:user 属性:姓名、身份号、电话号、银行卡 方法: ''' import time,os from admin import Admin import functions #users = {} def run(): admin = functions.adminInit() users = functions.userInit() #print(users) if admin.adminView(): functions.adminClose(admin) functions.userClose(users) return -1 while True: admin.adminAction() value = input("请选择你要办理的业务:") if value == "1": functions.openAccount(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "2": functions.delAccount(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "3": functions.serchAccount(users) elif value == "4": functions.transferAccount(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "5": functions.withdrawal(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "6": functions.deposit(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "7": functions.lockAccount(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "8": functions.unlockAccount(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "9": functions.changePasswd(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "0": functions.makeNewCard(users) functions.userClose(users) elif value == "q": functions.adminClose(admin) functions.userClose(users) return -1 elif value == "m": for user in users: print(user) else: print("艾玛,您的输入小编实在不能理解,重新输入吧") if __name__ == "__main__": run()