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#初始化链表的结点 class Node(): def __init__(self,item): self.item = item self.next = None #传入头结点,获取整个链表的长度 def length(headNode): if headNode == None: return None count = 0 currentNode =headNode #尝试了一下带有环的链表,计算长度是否会死循环,确实如此,故加上了count限制 = =|| while currentNode != None and count <=1000: count+=1 currentNode = currentNode.next return count #获取倒数第K个结点的值,传入头结点和k值 def findrKnode(head,k): if head == None: return None #如果长度小于倒数第K个值,则返回通知没有这么长 elif length(head)<k: print("链表长度没有倒数第"+str(k)+"数") return None else: #设置两个针,一个快,一个慢,都指向头结点 fastPr = head lowPr = head count = 0 #让fastPr先走k个长度 while fastPr!=None and count<k: count+=1 fastPr = fastPr.next #此时fastPr和lowPr同速前进,当fastPr走到尾部,lowPr此处的值正好为倒数的k值 while fastPr !=None: fastPr = fastPr.next lowPr = lowPr.next return lowPr if __name__ == "__main__": node1 = Node(1) node2 = Node(2) node3 = Node(3) node4 = Node(4) node5 = Node(5) node6 = Node(6) node7 = Node(7) node8 = Node(8) node9 = Node(9) node10 = Node(10) node1.next = node2 node2.next = node3 node3.next = node4 node4.next = node5 node5.next = node6 node6.next = node7 node7.next = node8 node8.next = node9 node9.next = node10 print(findrKnode(node1,5).item)