脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/3/1 浏览次数:1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tools import get_data from docx import Document def new_doc(fee_data,doc_path,fee):#新建一个word文档,写入汇总表的数据 document = Document() p_total = document.add_paragraph() r_total = p_total.add_run(u'测试订单费用汇总表:') r_total.font.bold = True table = document.add_table(1,5,style="Light List Accent 5") heading_cells = table.rows[0].cells heading_cells[0].text = u'序号' heading_cells[1].text = u'订单号' heading_cells[2].text = u'订单总额' heading_cells[3].text = u'运费' heading_cells[4].text = u'实付金额' total = 0 for i in range(0,len(fee_data)): cells = table.add_row().cells cells[0].text = str(i+1) cells[1].text = str(fee_data[i][0]) cells[2].text = str(float(fee_data[i][1])/100) cells[3].text = str(float(fee_data[i][2])/100) cells[4].text = str(float(fee_data[i][3])/100) total = total + fee_data[i][3] if total > fee:#如果实付总额大于传入的金额,终止写入数据,并记录序号 number = i break total = str(float(total)/100) document.add_paragraph(u'实付金额总计:' + total + u' 元。') document.add_paragraph() p_detail = document.add_paragraph() r_detail = p_detail.add_run(u'测试订单明细:') r_detail.font.bold = True for i in range(0,number+1): order_no = str(fee_data[i][0]) paid_amount = str(float(fee_data[i][3])/100) row_str = str(i+1) + '.' + u'订单号:' + order_no + u'实付金额:' + paid_amount + u'元。' document.add_paragraph(row_str) document.save(doc_path) if __name__ == "__main__": #sql语句筛选实付金额在5元和39元之间的订单 sql = "SELECT outer_order_id,order_amount,real_shipping_amount,paid_amount FROM oh_order_info WHERE " "order_create_time between '2017-12-01 9:00:00' and '2017-12-27 9:00:00' " "AND paid_amount between '500' and '3900'" fee_data = get_data(sql) doc_path = r'd:\yuzhong.docx' fee = 12300 #多少元以上,单位:分 new_doc(fee_data,doc_path,fee)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import MySQLdb import conf def get_data(*sql_list):#根据sql语句,获取数据库的数据 conn = MySQLdb.connect(conf.test_dbhost,conf.test_user,conf.test_passd,conf.test_dbname,port=3306,charset="utf8") cur = conn.cursor() for sql in sql_list: cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close() return results