脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/2/3 浏览次数:1
win 需要先安装luaforwindows
linux 需要安装 luarocks 并 luarocks install luasql-mysql
require"luasql.mysql" --创建环境对象 env=luasql.mysql() --连接数据库 conn=env:connect("数据库名","用户名","密码","IP地址",端口) --设置数据库的编码格式 conn:execute"SET NAMES GB2312" --执行数据库操作 cur=conn:execute("select * from role") row=cur:fetch({},"a") while row do var=string.format("%d%s\n",row.id,row.name) print(var) row=cur:fetch(row,"a") end conn:close()--关闭数据库连接 env:close()--关闭数据库环境
-- load driver require "luasql.mysql" -- create environment object env = assert (luasql.mysql()) -- connect to data source con = assert (env:connect("database", "usr", "password", "192.168.xx.xxx", 3306)) -- reset our table res = con:execute"DROP TABLE people" --建立新表people res = assert (con:execute[[ CREATE TABLE people( name varchar(50), email varchar(50) ) ]]) -- add a few elements list = { { name="Jose das Couves", email="jose@couves.com", }, { name="Manoel Joaquim", email="manoel.joaquim@cafundo.com", }, { name="Maria das Dores", email="maria@dores.com", }, } for i, p in pairs (list) do --加入数据到people表 res = assert (con:execute(string.format([[ INSERT INTO people VALUES ('%s', '%s')]], p.name, p.email) )) end -- retrieve a cursor cur = assert (con:execute"SELECT name, email from people") --获取数据 -- print all rows row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") -- the rows will be indexed by field names --显示出来 while row do print(string.format("Name: %s, E-mail: %s", row.name, row.email)) row = cur:fetch (row, "a") -- reusing the table of results end -- close everything cur:close() con:close() env:close()