数据库 发布日期:2025/2/24 浏览次数:1
public boolean sendCoupons(Long userId, Long couponId) { // 一堆校验 // ... // 查出券码 List<CouponCode> couponCodes = couponCodeService.findByCouponId(couponId, num); // batchUpdateStatus是一个被@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)修饰的方法 // 批量更新为已被领取状态 couponCodeService.batchUpdateStatus(couponCods); // 发券 // 发权益 // 新增用户券码领取记录 }
因为券码是多张,想用lua+redis的list结构去做弹出。为什么用这种方案是因为for update直接被否了。
local result = {} for i=1,ARGV[1],1 do result[i] = redis.call("lpop", KEYS[1]) end return table.contact(result , "|")
@Slf4j @Component public class CouponCodeRedisQueueClient implements InitializingBean { /** * redis lua脚本文件路径 */ public static final String POP_COUPON_CODE_LUA_PATH = "lua/pop-coupon-code.lua"; public static final String SEPARATOR = "|"; private static final String COUPON_CODE_KEY_PATTERN = "PROMOTION:COUPON_CODE_{0}"; private String LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT; private String LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT_SHA; @Autowired private JedisTemplate jedisTemplate; @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(POP_COUPON_CODE_LUA_PATH), Charsets.UTF_8); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT)) { LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT_SHA = jedisTemplate.execute(jedis -> { return jedis.scriptLoad(LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT); }); log.info("redis lock script sha:{}", LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT_SHA); } } /** * 获取Code * * @param activityId * @param num * @return */ public List<String> popCouponCode(Long activityId, String num , int retryNum) { if(retryNum == 0){ log.error("reload lua script error , try limit times ,activityId:{}", activityId); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); String key = buildKey(String.valueOf(activityId)); keys.add(key); List<String> args = Lists.newArrayList(); args.add(num); try { Object result = jedisTemplate.execute(jedis -> { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT_SHA)) { return jedis.evalsha(LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT_SHA, keys, args); } else { return jedis.eval(LUA_COUPON_CODE_SCRIPT, keys, args); } }); log.info("pop coupon code by lua script.result:{}", result); if (Objects.isNull(result)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).splitToList(result.toString()); } catch (JedisNoScriptException jnse) { log.error("no lua lock script found.try to reload it", jnse); reloadLuaScript(); //加载后重新执行 popCouponCode(activityId, num, --retryNum); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to get a redis lock.key:{}", key, e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * 重新加载LUA脚本 * * @throws Exception */ public void reloadLuaScript() { synchronized (CouponCodeRedisQueueClient.class) { try { afterPropertiesSet(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to reload redis lock lua script.retry load it."); reloadLuaScript(); } } } /** * 构建Key * * @param activityId * @return */ public String buildKey(String activityId) { return MessageFormat.format(COUPON_CODE_KEY_PATTERN, activityId); } }